FAQs about studying in Ireland

Ireland is fast becoming one of the most popular European countries for international students.

Apart from having some highly ranked universities, Ireland also offers foreign students a chance to experience its unique culture, heritage and history.

Full of beautiful locales and agreeable weather, Ireland can be a dream destination for international students.

That being said, here are frequently asked questions about studying in Ireland:

How do I get a Visa for Ireland?

Students belonging to the EU do not require a visa to study in Ireland, however non-EU ones would need a student visa. 

In order to get the visa, you must contact the Irish Embassy in your city or apply to the Department of Foreign Affairs

The visa requirements and procedures might change for different countries, so students should check the official website in order to find out what applies to them.

Can I study part time in Ireland?

Students that are not EU citizens must complete a minimum of 15 hours of scheduled classes per week in order to complete their visa regulations. 

Students who wish to study for less than 90 days in Ireland and wish to combine study with tourism can be classified as educational tourists and will have to adhere to a different set of rules. 

It is best to confirm the student visa regulations on the official website.

Can I work during or after my studies in Ireland?

Non-EU students studying in higher education institutes that are listed on the IELP are allowed to work during their studies to support themselves.

Students are allowed to work part time during active semesters, i.e work up to 20 hours a week, while during holiday periods, they are allowed to work full time i.e. 40 hours a week.

Are there scholarships in Ireland?

There aren’t a lot of government or public scholarships in Ireland for international students and most scholarships are offered by universities and colleges. 

These scholarships are awarded purely at the discretion of the colleges, which have their own criteria for eligibility. 

In case you want to know more about this, it is best to visit the websites of individual colleges to see what scholarships you are eligible for.

What is the cost of living in ireland?

The cost of living for international students depends a lot on the college they choose, the tuition fees, the scholarships they get as well as the city they study in and the accommodation they choose. 

Hence, it is not possible to get a fixed cost of living for students in general. 

However, based on previous experiences, it is estimated that students spend between 6000 to 11000 Euros per year, depending on all the variable factors.

What will the weather be like in Ireland?

Ireland has a pleasant climate, with lots of rainfall and absence of extreme temperatures. Ireland is quite warm all year round because of the Gulf surrounding it. 

This also means that Ireland’s coast is ice-free even in the winters. Winters can be cold, depending on the exact location within Ireland, but on the whole Ireland can be described as having mild, moist and changeable climate.

How do I open a bank account in Ireland?

For international students, opening a bank account in Ireland is quite simple. You will require two forms of identification, which will be used to establish identity and address proof. 

Apart from this general requirement, each bank may have its own procedure, which might have further requirements. 

However, overall it is quite simple to open bank accounts in Ireland for students. 

Do I get medical insurance in Ireland?

International students belonging to the EU can avail public health services through their European Health Insurance Card (EHIC). On the other hand, students from non-EU countries are required to get medical insurance themselves. In fact, getting medical insurance is one of the prerequisites of the student visa in Ireland and therefore all students must have it.

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