Should You Send Your Child to Study Abroad after 12th

Should You Send Your Child to Study Abroad after 12th Grade in India?

Once a child has completed their 12th grade in India, many parents find themselves in a dilemma on whether they should send their ward abroad for higher studies. The Indian education system has evolved, offering a plethora of options for higher education. The decision of whether or not your child should be sent abroad for higher studies is a complex one, influenced by factors such as the quality of education, job opportunities, financial situation, and cultural factors. It’s crucial to consider your child’s needs and aspirations, as they are the ones who will be directly impacted by this decision. 

The allure of studying abroad is high among Indian families, as it showcases a higher standing in society, as well as promises exposure to new cultures and an increased potential to earn upon graduating. On the other hand, India also has numerous prestigious institutions, which also add to the child’s social standing and provide campus placements with top companies in the world, ensuring your child’s secure future. Therefore, it is important to consider the pros and cons and make a decision that best suits your family and, especially, your child’s needs. In this blog, we will delve into the pros and cons of higher education in India and abroad. 

Factors Influencing the Decision

Cost of Education

Education in India after 12th costs a fraction of that abroad. This is a major factor to be taken into consideration before deciding to send your ward abroad. Studying at prestigious institutions in India, such as the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) or the Indian Institution of Management (IIM), is much more affordable than the top universities in countries like the US, UK, Canada, Australia, and other European countries. A recent study by the Institute of International Education (IIE) revealed that the average per annum cost of studying abroad ranges from $10,000 to $50,000. When converted into INR, this translates into a hefty sum for Indian nationals. 

Cultural Exposure and Personal Growth

A strong advantage of studying abroad is early exposure to foreign cultures and ways of life. Younger people are more adaptable to change, and therefore, exposure to a variety of cultures will help your child’s personal growth. Moreover, leaving the nest right after the 12th will also teach the child to live alone and look after themselves independently. Children in India are usually mollycoddled by their parents and unless they leave the house for studies, end up living dependent on their parents until a much later stage in life. 

Quality of Education

Education in India is very theory-based and relies on a student’s ability to memorise and reproduce information in standard examinations. However, in most foreign countries, education has a more hands-on and practical approach. Students are graded based on assignments, projects, group work, and engagement during lectures. This ensures a more holistic development along with academic learning. Arguably, education abroad makes a student more equipped to live in the real world outside as compared to the classroom-based learning offered in India. This can be a serious factor when considering whether to send your child abroad or not. 

Employability and Career Prospects

Another important factor to consider before deciding whether or not to study abroad. As most Indian students go abroad in order to earn better and send money back home, they need to secure well-paying jobs after graduating. Similarly, most Indian students abroad have education loans to pay off. The average salary for an IIT graduate in India is between ₹10-20 lakh per annum (approximately $12,500-$25,000). In comparison, according to the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE), the average starting salary for US graduates in 2023 was around $55,000. 

Research and Innovation Opportunities

Indian institutions have majorly lacked a focus on research. However, this is gradually changing as many Indian universities are forming collaborations with international institutions to enhance their research capabilities. Universities in developed countries set aside funding for research and lead in innovation. Abroad there are more opportunities to collaborate with researchers and get hands-on research experience. 

Personal Preferences & Goals

At the end of the day, both studying in India and studying abroad have their own pros and cons. It also depends severely on the student’s personal goals whether they would like to continue living in India or want to settle abroad. If the goal of your child is to ultimately settle in a foreign country, then studying in that country will make their path towards obtaining a permanent resident status or getting a work visa much easier. However, there are still some children who would prefer to settle down in India itself. For such children it is advisable to focus on getting into one of the top institutions within the country instead of taking on the hassle and financial burden of going to study abroad.

Another advantage of studying in India over foreign countries, is the support system of family and friends. If your child is within the country, they can head over home for the academic and festive breaks. Whereas moving abroad for studies can come quite as a cultural shock, as they flying home for the holidays is extremely expensive.

Part-time Jobs

Another factor of moving abroad to study is that children will more often than not have to take up part-time jobs in order to manage daily expenses. However, while studying in India, there is hardly ever a need for students to pick up part time jobs. While working and studying side-by-side does have benefits like learning to manage time and resources and multi-task, it can be very draining on the students. 


Choosing between higher education in India or abroad is a deeply personal decision that depends on various factors, including financial capacity, academic goals, career aspirations, and personal preferences. Both options come with their own set of advantages and challenges. By weighing these pros and cons carefully and considering the specific circumstances of your child, you can make a decision that best aligns with their future aspirations and overall well-being.

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